to 3 years
Where did the Black Hen go?
An old woman has three chickens: a red one, a white one and a black one. She feeds the chickens wheat and the chickens give her eggs in return. When....
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Topic: Colors
Number of pages: 14
ISBN: 9789948025306
Edition: الأولى
Year: 2017
Language: Arabic

Amal Naser


Available books: 23


ماريسا فستيتا

Available books: 1

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صحيح أن العالم الافتراضي زاخر بالأصدقاء الذين تفصلنا عنهم مسافات كبيرة، لكن هذا لا يعني أن ننسى الحياة من حولنا....
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