على جزيرة نائية، لم تجد «نادية» من يؤنس وحدتها سوى مخلوقات البحر العجيبة وشاطئه؛ وخاصة الدلفين الذي صار أعز صديق لها. ترى هل يساعدها الدلفين في الوصول إلى أهلها؟
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After Mr. and Mrs. Quack are separated during an attack by hunters, Mrs. Quack sets out to find her husband with the help of other animals.
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Bobby Racoon’s life is turned upside down when he loses his home. He goes on several adventures, learning a lot in the process of finding a new home.
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Smith and his friend are constantly mean to Smith’s sister, thinking that girls are silly, but when they get themselves in trouble, they’re saved by the person they least expect.
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My Grandmother’s Adventure documents true events told from the perspective of a young lady whose coach was attacked by a fearsome creature in the middle of the night.
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Susie is quite an adequate tennis player—people attend just to watch her play! But is winning all that matters, or do ethics hold greater worth?
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Merlin the Wizard grants a couple’s wish by giving them a tiny little child no bigger than a thumb. How will the child’s life turn out to be?
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Two men of Gotham quarrel over sheep neither of them has. What can stop such absurdity?
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A group of men throw their salt fish in a pond together to reproduce, but they’re hit by a surprise.
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Twelve men can’t seem to count how many they are! How will this ridiculous dilemma be solved?
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A man sends his cheese off to meet him at the market. Will it listen to him?
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When her husband is turned into a bird, a young woman is left with three magical feathers to help her until his return.
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