Izza is from Gaza, Addy is from Dubai, Widad is from Baghdad, and me, Adnane, I live in Amman. We love mornings, but at night when we fall asleep we....
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The Big Envelope Omar is the new kid at school, and he is being bullied at school by his classmate Hamza. How will Omar react? How will he and Hamza....
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They say that my friend Massa is very different from me. I didn’t understand how she is different from me, because we are so similar! But when I thought about....
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We went to the library in our fantastic car. There, we studied and dreamed, we flew into space and dove into the deep oceans...
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My grandmother came to visit, so my mother, my brother and I went to receive her. My dad decided to stay home to cook us delicious food. Everything was great,....
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Every night before we sleep, my Dad and Mom read us a story. This time, my Dad read us a story about a great adventurer. The next day, guess who....
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A space adventure with Jasmin and Batraa Two sisters, Jasmin and Batraa, decided to take a trip through space. A technical problem causes them to land on a plan-et with....
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Why did Kareem deserve the name of the Amazing Water Hero? What did he do to become a real hero that is ap-plauded for all of his amazing work? Read....
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There is a problem inside of Firas’s house that is solved only when he opened the airport and started receiving fantastic ideas. Read the story to find out what happened....
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Salma loves drawing so much. But how can she use drawing to change her family’s bad water-using habits? Let’s read the story together to find out.
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Shafafa is a drop of water as beautiful as a pearl. But before coming out to Planet Earth, she clung to her mother because she was very sad and scared!....
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The Squandering Demon ran away from Ahmed’s house. Who’s the hero who made him run away in a hurry? Read this story to find out!
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