Four lawyers find two small birds stuck in the mud, but only one stops to help them. He is one of the most famous American presidents.
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A wealthy man comes across a shepherd boy drawing a sheep on a stone one day and decides that such talent cannot go to waste.
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A caliph offers great treasures to anyone who can recite him a good poem, then makes them choose between wealth and wisdom.
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Arion is a world-famous musician forced to jump off a ship into an angry sea. Can he be saved?
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St. Francis is very kind to everyone, even birds. In this tale, he tells them of the magnificence of God and the world.
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King Psammeticus wants to know if all humans were once Egyptian, so he carries out an experiment to find the truth.
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The two phenomenal Greek painters Zeuxis and Parrhasius compete to see who can paint the most realistic paintings.
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A bomb is dropped while one of King Charles XII’s officers is writing an order for him. What will the brave king do?
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When a landlord is asked by a rough-looking traveler for a room in his first-class hotel, he sends him away. Little does he know that he is making a big....
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Young scout Andrew Jackson gets ambushed by British soldiers with no escape in sight. Will he end up being their prisoner?
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Little Benjamin doesn’t have any toys of his own, but this will change after his walk through the streets of Boston!
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When the Spartans throw General Aristomenes in a chasm, only the unlikeliest of guests saves him.
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