In this inspiring story, Daniel Webster is embarrassed when he’s forced to ride on a sidesaddle on his way to his new school.
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The men stood by the cave’s mouth. No one dared to venture into the darkness inside. They were awestruck when Putnam started to.
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Coriolanus is driven out of Rome for being selfish. He then returns with an army to take revenge. Can anything make him back down from destroying his old country?
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The midnight rider can’t see anything in the dark, but as soon as he glimpses the light from the church tower, he knows that he has to act fast!
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James Hogg was a simple shepherd in the fields of Scotland, but his talent helped him change his life.
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King Frederick the Great is on his way to give his page a rough shake to wake him up when he finds a piece of paper that changes his mind.
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Young Benjamin looked at the baby’s smile and thought it could make a nice portrait. He got a piece of charcoal and a board and drew something that changed his....
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In ancient Greece, seven men are offered a prize meant for the wisest of the wise. Which one will turn out to be worthy of the golden tripod?
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Jonathan Swift and a servant teach each other a lesson in manners.
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The wise Abraham Davenport inspires people to continue working after they panic when the world suddenly turns dark.
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A curious boy’s life is turned around when he finds out he can find all the answers he seeks in books.
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In days gone by, princes didn’t need to know how to read. However, one mother’s love for books makes all the difference to little Alfred.
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