A poor girl’s fortune changes because of her spindle, needle, and shuttle.
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A snowflake drops on a lonely cold leaf and they talk about summer, a season the snowflake has never heard of. Will the snowflake fall in love with summer too?
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Two birds living in a beautiful orange tree decide to travel up north to their old nest. Will they be able to find it again?
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Poor rich goose! He goes through a series of unfortunate events, and it all starts when he meets a sneaky crow.
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The chickens are grumpy and starving, but the rooster stays positive. What does he have in mind?
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The three little pigs thought they were safe in their houses, until the old wolf came knocking at their doors.
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As Rachel gets ready to wear her new red dress, her mother tells her the sweet story of how it was made.
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The half chick goes on a journey to Madrid. On his way, he meets water, fire, and wind in need of his help. Will he help them?
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A brave robin saves the day by flapping her wings to keep a dying fire burning. She is rewarded by having a beautiful red breast forever.
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Peter, Paul, and Espen embark on an adventure in the woods that changes their fortune and reveals their true characters.
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A bad-mannered woman enters the home of three bears while they’re away. Will they take kindly to an uninvited stranger?
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As his father, King Winter, makes him the king of frost fairies, Silvercap is determined to make winter cheerful for children on Earth.
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