When a kind old couple help two mysterious travelers, they are rewarded by marvelous riches and an eternity together.
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Arachne challenges the goddess Minerva at weaving. What will her overwhelming pride lead to?
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Little John was thrilled to receive a penny for being helpful, but things didn’t go according to plan.
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A dear little family dreams of building their own home, but only by cooperating can they do that. So, are they all ready to exert their best effort?
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In this tale, the skillful Hiawatha has to wrestle Mondamin in hopes of finding a great gift for his tribe.
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A cat takes a mouse’s tail and refuses to give it back. Now the little mouse must go on several quests in order to retrieve her tail.
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The wild wishes of a dissatisfied stone cutter are magically granted, but he learns that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
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Sarah Jane can barely contain her excitement as she skips through the garden; she knows exactly what she’s getting her big brother for his birthday.
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A joyful flax goes through the typical progress of plants. Will it maintain its cheerfulness through such a hard time?
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Princess Sunrise looks at the boy and says, “If you can bring me my sister, Sunset, I will give you my golden hen." Can the boy save the princess?
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A queen bee goes through her development stages in an eye-opening tale.
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Excited, Stuart hurried down the stairs; there was no one home, but he was sure that his momma would keep her promise.
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